– Direction –


President of Frac Île-de-France: Béatrice Lecouturier


Honorary President: Germaine de Liencourt


Director: Céline Poulin


General secretary: Aurore Combasteix


Executive assistant: Anthony Ong

aong@fraciledefrance.com – +33(0)1 76 21 13 20


Accounter: Hélène Diaga Radjou

comptabilite@fraciledefrance.com – +33(0)1 76 21 13 23


Head of technical control and safety: Liam Majewski

lmajewski@fraciledefrance.com-+33(0)1 76 21 13 34


Exhibition and project coordinator – Cultural Olympiad:  Rémi Enguehard




– Exhibitions and edition –


Exhibition and edition coordinator: Maëlle Dault

mdault@fraciledefrance.com – +33(0)1 76 21 13 24


Technician: Yannick Mauny

ymauny@fraciledefrance.com -+33(0)1 76 21 13 29


Exhibitions and editions intern: Anna Décot

exposition@fraciledefrance.com–+33(0)1 76 21 13 25



– Collection –


Head of collection: under recruitment

-+33(0)1 76 21 13 32


Collection officer: Bernadette Kihm

bkihm@fraciledefrance.com -+33(0)1 76 21 13 30


Technician: Tanguy Majorel

tmajorel@fraciledefrance.com -+33(0)1 76 21 13 31


Collection intern : Alys Manceau

collection@fraciledefrance.com -+33(0)1 76 21 13 32



– Communication and partnership –


Head of communication and partnership department: Isabelle Fabre

ifabre@fraciledefrance.com – +33(0)1 76 21 13 26


Communication and mediation officer: Léa Dolivet

ldolivet@fraciledefrance.com – +33(0)1 76 21 13 28


Communication assistant: Pénélope Vallet

pvallet@fraciledefrance.com – +33(0)1 76 21 13 27


External collaborator: Lucie Calise


Press Officer: Lorraine Hussenot

lohussenot@hotmail.com – +33(0)1 48 78 92 20



– Visitors department and education program –


Head of education department, in charge of the cultural program: Peggy Vovos

pvovos@fraciledefrance.com – +33(0)1 76 21 13 46


Assistant manager of education department, in charge of the educational program: Marie Baloup

mbaloup@fraciledefrance.com – +33(0)1 76 21 13 47


Education team – Projects Coordinator: Laure Delclaux

ldelclaux@fraciledefrance.com – +33(0)1 76 21 13 45


Public development officer: Héloïse Joannis

hjoannis@fraciledefrance.com -+33(0)1 76 21 13 35


Education team – Reception Desk Manager (les Réserves): Hugo Audam

haudam@fraciledefrance.com -+33(0)1 76 21 13 33/38


Education team – Reception Desk Manager (le Plateau): Adèle Lansac

alansac@fraciledefrance.com -+33(0)1 76 21 13 41 (plateau) or 46 (antenne)


Relay teacher (Academy of Creteil): Didier Wong



Volunteer for mediation and documentation: Louise Wiesel


Mediators at the Plateau and Réserves:

Sarah Chevalier:



Soyoung Hyun:



Gisela Romero:
