La collective phèmes
Coller l’oreille aux colimaçons

The result of a collaborative effort, this exhibition is intended to be multi-temporal. The eleven curators’ cross-views of works from the Frac Île-de-France collection and those by artists who have recently graduated from the Beaux-Arts and Arts Décoratifs schools in Paris, are fuelled by the philosophical concept of the “whirlwind of origins”.

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Le bureau des confiné.e.s / dé-confiné.e.s
– Office Confinement / Deconfinement
One artwork a day brought to your home!

Like the entire population during this difficult time, all members of the Frac Île-de-France team are now confined to their homes. They may be at home, but they continue to be as busy as ever for the benefit of all! They have decided broadcast messages live from their office confinement ‘bureau des confiné.e.s’, showing and enabling us to discover their choice of artworks from the Frac collection.

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Face à face

Through a selection of artworks from the Fonds régional d’art contemporain d’Île-de-France, the Face à Face exhibition offers a contemporary approach to the portrait.

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Lever le voile

For the sixth consecutive year, a group of young people from Vincennes has been invited to find out about the various aspects to organising a contemporary art exhibition

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L’art dans tous ses états – chap.8

A notion persists that art and sport are directly opposed or that there is even antagonism between them. This idea readily permeates spontaneous conversations between visitors at exhibitions for example.

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Focus : School-related programming

Depuis 2010, le frac île-de-france travaille en partenariat avec le lycée Jean Vilar de Meaux afin de proposer aux élèves de l’enseignement d’exploration « patrimoines » de concevoir une exposition et sa médiation, à partir d’une sélection d’œuvres de la collection du frac île-de-france, autour du programme Jeux de langage.

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Hands Up

For the fifth consecutive year, a group of young people from the town of Vincennes has been invited to explore the various aspects involved in staging a contemporary art exhibition, encompassing choosing works, mediation and the layout.

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Strange Days

Some works seem to be telling us a lot about the world in which we live, about this current period, without explicitly indicating specific events that we could no doubt relate to.

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Assisted by the frac’s public outreach team, a study group gathered by Les Arcades (Issy-les-Moulineaux Art School) explored the various stages in the making of a contemporary art exhibition, from choosing and staging the works to devising a programme of events and advertising.
With the works of Erica BAUM, Anne BREGEAUT, Stefan BRÜGGEMANN, Raymond HAINS, Teun HOCKS, Véronique JOUMARD, MRZYK & MORICEAU, Bruno MUNARI, Olaf NICOLAI et Joëlle TUERLINCKX.

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