
Carmen Perrin, sans titre, 1990 © Carmen Perrin. Collection frac île-de-france

Precarious Permanence

With the works of:
Michel Blazy, Agnès Bracquemond, Michel François, Nathalie Elemento, Olivier Nottellet, Carmen Perrin.


A partnership has been established, for 2016/2017, between the frac île-de-france and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Belleville. Mr Jean-Luc Bichaud, a teacher, is developing an educational project with balance as the theme. He is creating an exhibition with works of art from the frac île-de-France collection, to be presented at the school. The students will find out more about the frac and write texts to present the works exhibited at the school.

Equilibrium is intrinsic to any event on earth and every form of human expression. More specifically, it is one of the fundamentals of architecture and the visual arts. Earth’s gravity informs everything: our bodies, our objects, our architecture, etc. Galet Mou by Michel Blazy uses this physical balance with a dubious compromise between push and pull.

What would we look like without the earth’s gravity? What could our body do? These questions appear to be asked by Michel François /Sauter or by Agnès Braquemond / Deux figures califourchon I: human beings, momentarily liberated from contact with the ground, can experience in full a fleeting new physical freedom. A few seconds of happiness that is permanently prohibited on the ground.

In our globalised era, geopolitical balance, in a permanent state of being constructed and modified, alternately generates periods of tension and calm. Jeu de mains by Michel François may be interpreted as much as the promise of a peaceful agreement as the origin of disharmony while the sculpture S’installer by Nathalie Elemento insidiously highlights our need for protection (walls, but also boundaries and borders) that, paradoxically, cut us off and isolate us from each other, the only guarantee of a beneficial difference.

Lastly, equilibrium also goes hand in hand with composition: equilibrium of mass, colour, line, etc. using a purely synthetic principle.In Never Ending Table, Olivier Nottellet misappropriates the function of a desk proposing a purely pictorial environment, the elements of which, simply placed or balanced on the edge of the desk top, highlight fragility and beauty. Physical balance and visual balance are also implemented with Carmen Perrin (Sans titre, 1990) where the lines of the steel bow and its material suddenly softens, subjected to the extreme tension of the leather.


École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville
Espace mc cormick & mezzanine basse

60 Boulevard de la Villette
75019 Paris


Lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi: 8:30 am- 22pm
Samedi: 9am-5pm
Final entry: 30 min before general closing
(ENSA Paris-Belleville is closed from 8 to 17 April incl.)