Preview Wednesday 1 March 2017,7pm-9pm.
Romain Bobichon’s work is part of a ‘broad’ history of abstract painting, painted motifs stretch beyond the confines of the canvas, on the walls, everyday objects or even volumes, etc. These different mediums become testing grounds for various materials, gestures and colours.
Morgan Courtois evaluates the qualities of plaster and resin, as well as organic materials such as grains and plants, etc. Between the living and the inanimate, his works are punctuated with strange figures, conveying both mythological references and some from the history of sculpture.
The two artists, who have been invited to take over the window display together, propose two specific works, forming two planes placed opposite one another, as if mirrored. They seal their encounter by proposing a unique optical experience.
The Format À deux formula consists of inviting two young artists for a joint exhibition in the window of the L’antenne culturelle (the cultural hub).
L’antenne culturelle (located 50m from Le Plateau)
22 cours du 7è art
75019 Paris, France